There is a lot of talk about senior leaders, in business and government, replacing employees with AI. Some employee roles have already been replaced by AI and more efficiencies will be realised in the future. Senior leaders, even in Responsible Business and Responsible Government, have to balance growth, profits, cost, investment and size of workforce to ensure ongoing sustainable success. Some would say this is the price of innovation.
A future where employees become the 'human in the loop', with their 'AI copilot', is fast approaching.
To quote EY's 2023 Emerging Tech at Work Report, "in our hyper-accelerated working world, the dividing line between the present and future is becoming more of a struggle to pin down. Is tomorrow’s next big technology actually today’s, or has it already become yesterday’s?"
Employees are at the front line of AI transformation in society and are increasingly experiencing a mismatch between the technology with which they are familiar and the technology that they experience in their workplaces.
Without doubt, senior leaders have to balance the risk of trying to hold back the tsunami of AI innovation with the risks AI presents to security, privacy, business policies and regulation. But this gets particularly challenging where senior leaders have less understanding of where the AI transformation is headed than their employees. According to EY, "senior leaders offer mixed messages and competing priorities about what the future will bring."
Employees are an increasingly rich resource for decentralised AI innovation and transition within Business and Government. Senior leaders who can find a way to understand and engage with this resource - providing the tools, clear guidelines, and the environment to support this transition - are more likely to be enabling the sustainable Responsible Businesses, and Responsible Governments, of the future.